Diphano Coast footrest (large)
Diphano Coast footrest (large)
Diphano Coast footrest (large)

Diphano Coast footrest (large)

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The Coast footrest (large) by Diphano is a perfect blend of functionality and elegance, thanks to its high-quality materials that ensure longevity and resistance to various weather changes like rain, UV rays, and humidity. Its aluminum structure is robust yet lightweight, ensuring easy mobility around any part of the house and impact resistance. Additionally, the cushion of this magnificent footrest is covered with a wear-resistant waterproof fabric, making the product easy to clean and ensuring that the footstool maintains its beauty over time, even after prolonged sun exposure. This design jewel is versatile: from a classical foot support, it can become an additional seating extension or even a decorative element that enhances the ambiance of a room or garden. Thanks to its minimalist design and its clean, simple lines, Coast perfectly complements any furniture combination, from the most traditional to the most contemporary, adding an unparalleled touch of refinement. The Coast footrest represents a must-have for anyone wishing to beautify their outdoor or indoor space with a design element capable of combining comfort and style.

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Dimensions: Length 146 cm, Depth 86 cm, Height 38 cm
Materials: Aluminium, Fabric

FUR5000097-0001 AF10 C704
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