Diphano Landscape Teak footrest large
Diphano Landscape Teak footrest large

Diphano Landscape Teak footrest large

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The Landscape Teak footrest (large) is a jewel in Diphano's collection, crafted from sturdy high-quality aluminum that ensures strength and durability. This outdoor footrest is available in two beautiful colors, white and lava, making it perfect for any decorative style, from a modern terrace to a more classic and sophisticated garden. Its ultra-soft cushion is covered with mass-dyed Sunbrella fabric, allowing the footrest's color to stay new and uniform for long periods, even when exposed to the sun. Additionally, this fabric is water-resistant, making it ideal for outdoor use and poolside enjoyment. With its generous dimensions, the Landscape Teak footrest provides ample space for relaxation, adding a touch of unparalleled comfort to your outdoor area. Moreover, the footrest can also serve as an extension for seating or simply as an elegant decorative element that enriches any environment. Purchasing the Landscape Teak footrest means choosing a piece that harmoniously combines functionality, aesthetics, and innovation.

  • White
  • Lava

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Dimensions: Length 144 cm, Depth 80 cm, Height 28 cm
Materials: Aluminium, Fabric

FCI5000413-0003 AF08 C531
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