Qeeboo Primitive XS Bookshelf

Qeeboo Primitive XS Bookshelf

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The Primitive Bookshelf XS is a beautiful work of art created by Qeeboo, entirely made of recyclable polyethylene, a material that ensures durability, longevity, and versatility. This marvellous bookshelf consists of a module that can create sculptural representations, and users can design a larger bookshelf by adding a second module to the first. It is available in six beautiful colors, making it suitable for any setting and decor style, from a modern living room to a contemporary home office. Moreover, the design of the bookshelf evokes the paradox between the 20th-century movements, from Cubism to abstract art, from Constructivism to Suprematism, revealing the dual meaning of rationalism and its primal geometric spontaneity. Its unparalleled composition provides not only various levels for placing books or other decorative items but also offers a visually phenomenal addition to any environment. Designed by Studio Nucleo for Qeeboo.

  • Black
  • Aviation blue
  • Grey
  • Pink
  • White
  • Yellow
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