List of products by brand Bosa

In a corner of the Venetian countryside made enchanting by the irregular shape of the hills and the lively waterways that cross them, in a village that takes its name from the highest mountain, Borso del Grappa, there is Bosa, a ceramic laboratory known in Worldwide. It was in 1976 that Italo Bosa started its own ceramic production aligning itself with the ancient processing techniques for objects made entirely by hand, enhanced by a rich color palette and decorated with precious metals such as gold, platinum and copper. Techniques with a precise identity that give the objects uniqueness, quality and recognition. What distinguishes Bosa, making it a leading company in the field of design ceramics all over the world, is the choice to focus on research and innovation, so as to be able to create almost impossible objects due to the difficulty of the molds and processing. . Bosa is currently present in more than 50 countries around the world both for its reputation, brand image and product identity, and for the techniques used in the processing of ceramics, unique in the world.

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