List of products by brand Adico

Adico, is a Portuguese brand that was born in 1920 founded by Adelino Dias Costa. It is part of the group of small and medium-sized enterprises in Portugal which have been awarded the primacy of "SME Leader", and is still today a family-run business which over the years has also exported its products abroad.

Adico was born and began its activity in 1920 with the production of iron beds. In the 1930s, his production was oriented towards healthcare and hospital furnishings, showing a remarkable aptitude for sophisticated and avant-garde technologies. At the same time, Adico developed a production line of outdoor tables and chairs in parallel according to the Portuguese tradition. In the 1940s, Adico already had around 350 employees and dominated the field of hospital furniture. Since the 90s, Adico has concentrated on the development of new lines of furniture, focusing on design and technology in the medical field, with which it has distinguished itself on the national and international market. From this process was born Adico which today is the oldest metal furniture factory in Portugal and one of the oldest in Europe.

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