Fatboy Dolly Inflatable Dog

Fatboy Dolly Inflatable Dog

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Dolly PVC Inflatable Dog by Fatboy
  • White
  • Silver
  • Antracite

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In Fatboy's "Sjef Baloon" inflatables collection, which also includes Hot Dog and Big Dog, celebrating man's best friend and inspired by animal shaped balloons, the tender and graceful Dolly stands out as well. Dolly, with the typical bearing of her breed, stands in the corner of the room or outdoor environment intended for her, giving a touch of style and personality and giving smiles and amazement without asking for anything in return, otherwise the air of a pump and your attention and that of your guests! Choose the color you prefer among those available on Newpop. Dimensions Height 103 cm, Length 115 cm PVC materials
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