Qeeboo Ribbon armchair

Qeeboo Ribbon armchair

Available in 3/4 weeks
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The Ribbon armchair is a delightful and captivating piece of furniture made by Qeeboo using premium polyurethane and steel, materials that ensure durability, comfort, and versatility, making it ideal for daily use. With its innovative design and sinuous lines, the Ribbon armchair is available in six different colors, making it adaptable to any setting and various decorating styles: whether placed in a modern-designed living room or within a minimalist home office, the Ribbon armchair will be the center of every conversation, managing to capture the attention of your guests. Furthermore, this piece is not only aesthetically appealing but also features an extremely comfortable and cozy seat. The design is characterized by intertwining lines, creating the shape of a gracefully waving ribbon. This armchair is a must-have for all those who wish to bring imagination and creativity into their home. Designed by Nika Zupanc for Qeeboo.

  • Antracite 012
  • Dune 001
  • Blueberry 006
  • Petrolium 025
  • Pink Tender Rose 002
  • Soufre 010
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