Qeeboo Filicudi Colored Lounge Armchair

Qeeboo Filicudi Colored Lounge Armchair

Available in 3/4 weeks
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The Filicudi Colored Lounge Armchair is a beautiful work of art capable of recreating the Mediterranean magic in everyday spaces, created by Qeeboo using recyclable polyethylene. This material promises weather resistance, versatility, and longevity, making it also ideal for outdoor use. This wonderful armchair boasts a distinctive design inspired by the iconic profile of the prickly pear cactus and is available in three stunning color variations that can easily blend into any environment and style of decor. Whether it's placed in a minimalist living room or on a modern terrace, the Filicudi lounge armchair evokes a magical holiday destination and untamed nature. Additionally, its ease of cleaning is another highlight, making this chair not just aesthetically impeccable in terms of color fastness but also a functional and innovative product. Choose this fantastic Mediterranean sculpture for yourself as a celebration of creativity and pleasure. Designed by Marcantonio for Qeeboo.

  • Pink
  • Bright Pink
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • White
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