Venini Happy Pills Adrenalina vase

Venini Happy Pills Adrenalina vase

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Adrenalina vase, belonging to Happy Pills collection, made of blown vase with Incalmo technique. Particular and funny, Adrenalina vase wants to remake the sympathetic nervous hormone into a tiny glass pill, to admire it in small doses, daily. The two colours glass green and red create a magic contrast, enhancing the light shapes. Designed by Fabio Novembre for Venini.

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Happy Pills collection, designed by Fabio Novembre for Venini brand, is the masterpiece of the Venetian company. In this charming collection comprises five capsule-shaped vases composed of two contrasting parts. Each of the pieces has been named after a different hormone whose molecular formula is engraved on the base part of the design. Our designer wants to combine the hormonal chemistry influenced by material chemistry. Happy Pills are a placebo coming from Murano that, with shapes and colours, would substitute pharmacological solutions. Every piece of Happy Pills collection is made of the complex one crafting technique: the Inclamo technique. The Incalmo consists in heating the glass to combine two hand-blown shapes along their circumference in order to obtain one object in which different areas, usually in different colours. The real elements able to remake our chemistry and. Choose Happy Pills vases and discover the artwork of Venini here, on!

Dimensions: Height 33 cm, Diameter 11.5 cm
Materials: Murano glass

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