Alessi Pes letter opener

Alessi Pes letter opener

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Pes 18/10 stainless steel letter opener. Simple and linear design, reminiscent of an elongated fish, this desk letter opener allows you to open letters and correspondences. Practical, resistant and elegant, this object will give an unprecedented style to your desk! Designed by Giulio Iacchetti for Alessi.

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Pes in the Cremonese dialect means "fish". Simple and linear design, reminiscent of an elongated fish, this letter opener allows you to open letters and correspondences. Practical, resistant and elegant, this object will give an unprecedented style to your desk! Designed by Giulio Iacchetti for Alessi. Discover Alessi on our wide range here, on Newpop! 

Dimensions: Length 23 cm, Width 2.5 cm
Materiai: 18/10 stainless steel

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