Alessi Twisted graduated pitcher

Alessi Twisted graduated pitcher

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Twisted graduated pitcher made of thermoplastic resin. Available in three color finishes, Twisted is perfect to calibrate the amount of liquids in an extremely precise and optimal way thanks to the helical graduated scale, designed to be read confortably from the top. Characterized by a simple but refined design, Twisted pitcher is an object which gives an inconceivable elegance to your kitchen! Designed by Gabriele Rosa for Alessi.

  • Red
  • Light Blue
  • White
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Twisted graduated pitcher is part of the line of objects designed by the young designer Gabriele Rosa, artist who loves to experiment continuosly to create functionally innovative and aesthetically refined objects. This pitcher, made of thermoplastic resin, wants to interpret the shape of the spiral in an object with an essential but expressive design. Distinctive element of Twisted is the exclusive helical graduated scale, thought and designed to be read in a simple and intuitive way. Choose the design and the quality signed Alessi, choose Twisted pitcher! Discover the other amazing Alessi products here, on!

Dimensions: Length 17.5 cm, Width 13.5 cm, Height 18 cm, Capacity 1.3 lt
Materials: Thermoplastic resin

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