Palomar Phil The Bottle 500 ml

Palomar Phil The Bottle 500 ml

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Phil the bottle with a capacity of 550 ml is made of PETG plastic and aluminium, it’s 100% recyclable. Phil can connect with the analogue app and shows you the drinking fountain of the cities. Available cities in the app (Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Copenhagen, Florence, Freiburg, Kyoto, Lisboa, London, Madrid, Milan, New York, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, Venice). Available cities bottle (Rome, Milan, Parsi, New York). Designed by Francesco Toselli for Palomar. 

  • New York
  • Parigi
  • Milano
  • Roma
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Phil the bottle shows you where to find the drinking fountains/refill points of the city. Nowadays there are 19 cities available to search for. Phil is compact, a small and precious fillable container. The list with the addresses of drinking fountains reminds us that every city has a privileged relationship with water, the most precious primary asset. This project is an amusing invitation to use more taps and less bottled water. Phil the bottle cares about the environment and for it is recyclable. Phil the bottle is the object you need if you are travel lover. Choose to drink water of all over the world. Discover all the others Palomar products here, on!

Dimensions: Height 17 cm, Diameter 9,5 cm, Width 4 cm
Materials: Plastic 

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