Crosley Porta vinili Now Spinning Stand

Crosley Porta vinili Now Spinning Stand

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Now Spinning Stand record stand made of wood. It is comfortable to show your favourite record. It’s sturdy and branded with #nowspinning on the front so know know exactly what album you’re listening to. Made by Crosley.

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We all love how it makes us feel when we thumb through our collection, find the perfect album for your #currentmood, pull the record out of the jacket, gently place it on your turntable and drop the needle on the vinyl. We all don’t love the feeling of having any place to put the album jacket while the record is playing. Well… thanks to this Crosley Record Stand, no more throwing the jacket on the floor for your #instacat to claw up. Choose Now Spinning Stand record stand and discover all the other products of Crosley here, on!

Materials: Wood

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