Domeniconi Meridiana cuckoo clock
Domeniconi Meridiana cuckoo clock

Domeniconi Meridiana cuckoo clock

Available in 3/4 weeks
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Meridiana cuckoo wall clock made of lacquered metal. Available in 6 beautiful colours, the Meridiana cuckoo wall clock features a bold and minimalist design, combining the traditional charm of the cuckoo house with a clean, modern aesthetic. The Meridiana cuckoo clock possesses a white front impeccably integrated with a black frame, adding a crisp contrast that catches the eye. The black hands and Arabic hour numerals, highlighted on the pristine white background, add a graphic touch that makes it easy to read the time even from a distance. Two silent hands mark the passage of time with a serenity that gives the watch a calm and meditative presence. Designed by Pascal Tarabay for Domeniconi.

  • Alluminio - Bianco
  • Bianco *
  • Blu - Bianco
  • Giallo - Bianco
  • Nero - Bianco
  • Rosso - Bianco

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Dimensions: Height 26 cm, Length 19.6 cm, Depth 11 cm,
Materials: Metal

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