Blomus Stay outdoor pillow 70x30 cm

Blomus Stay outdoor pillow 70x30 cm

Available in 3/4 weeks
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Stay 70x30 cm outdoor pillow made of synthetic fibre. Available in 5 colors, the Stay outdoor pillow is a perfect mix of comfort, durability and minimalist design that transforms any outdoor area. Thanks to its generous padding and the highest quality fabrics, the Stay outdoor pillow offers unsurpassed comfort. It is the perfect accessory for long moments of relaxation under the sun or stars, resisting UV rays, rain and stains, ensuring it maintains its shine over time, making it the perfect investment for any outdoor space. Combine it with the Stay outdoor beds to create magical compositions in your outdoor environment. Made by Blomus.

  • Stone
  • Coal
  • Cloud
  • Ocean
  • Earth
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Dimensions: Length 70 cm, Width 30 cm, Height 15 cm
Materials: Synthetic fibre

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