Nanimarquina Doblecara 4 rug

Nanimarquina Doblecara 4 rug

Available in 6/8 weeks
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Doblecara 4 rug made of 100% Afghan wool spun using the hand-framed dhurrie technique. Doblecara is a double-sided rug, to be enjoyed from both sides. Side 'A' shows the most personal design: here the straight raised lines stand out the most thanks to the different levels between techniques. While the 'B' side is the most delicate and subtle, where the prevailing natural color enhances the soft dark brushstrokes. The Doblecara rug by Nanimarquina thus becomes an unprecedented exercise in style and functionality. Its versatility makes it a precious ally for all furnishing styles, from traditional to contemporary. Designed by Ronan Bouroullec for Nanimarquina.

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