Roberto Cavalli Garden's Birds oval...

Roberto Cavalli Garden's Birds oval dish diam. 36 cm

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The Garden's Birds oval dish is a beautiful kitchen accessory crafted by Roberto Cavalli from Bone China porcelain, a material admired for its remarkable durability and elegance. This oval dish features an intricate and vibrant image of avian life in a lush garden. The colorful birds, detailed meticulously, appear as vivid and lively creatures against the background of exotic flora. Suitable for modern, casual, or classic dining settings, the Garden's Birds oval dish does not just serve as a container for food, but is a true decorative piece capable of enriching the surrounding space. The Garden's Birds oval dish is a wise choice for those who celebrate opulence in their daily life, transforming the act of eating into a luxurious event. Purchase this exquisite oval plate right here, on!

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Dimensions: Diameter 36 cm
Materials: Bone China Porcelain

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