Vivid Joyo Sound Lightcolors...

Vivid Joyo Sound Lightcolors Bluetooth Table Lamp

Available in 3/4 weeks
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Joyo Sound Lightcolors Bluetooth table lamp available in white or red. The built-in Bluetooth technology allows you to play your favorite music directly from your smartphone or tablet, creating the perfect atmosphere for any occasion without the need for additional audio devices. The speaker offers clear and powerful sound, filling the room for a total listening experience. With an elegant and modern design, the Joyo Sound Lightcolors integrates perfectly with any type of decor, from modern to more traditional, adding a touch of style and modernity. Its compact structure makes it ideal for any space, be it an office, a bedroom or a living room.

  • White
  • Red
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Dimensions: Width 25.5 cm, Depth 36.5 cm, Height 25.5 cm
Materials: Plastic

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