Ex.t Sleek Ø20 cm shower head with a...

Ex.t Sleek Ø20 cm shower head with a ceiling arm

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The Sleek Ø20 cm shower head with a ceiling arm is crafted by Ex.t in polished chrome brass. This accessory harmoniously complements any type of decor: whether it's installed in a shower with a traditional, modern, or minimalist design, Sleek offers unparalleled gloss and elegance. Easy to clean and durable, the shower head becomes a long-term investment. Enhance your bathroom with this magnificent Sleek Ø20 cm shower head with a ceiling arm, and discover the world of Ex.t right here on Newpop.it! Designed and manufactured by Ex.t.

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Dimensions: Diameter 20 cm, Height 6.1 cm, Arm height 20 cm
Materials: Brass

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