Ghidini 1961 Axonometry small cube...

Ghidini 1961 Axonometry small cube trays in brass

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The Axonometry small cube trays by Ghidini 1961 are entirely made of brass, embodying wonderful kitchen accessories that combine functionality, creativity, and aesthetics. These delightful trays boast a unique style: their compositional scheme is the isometric axonometric projection of two cubes, creating a three-dimensional effect enhanced by inclined edges and finishes. Available in two colors, gold and copper, they seamlessly fit into any setting and style: whether placed on a casual, modern, or minimalist table, Axonometry small cube becomes a unique and unparalleled focal point, capturing the attention of your guests. Moreover, the trays can serve as containers for snacks or appetizers, or simply be used as a decorative element. Thanks to their shape, it is possible to achieve multiple configurations, creating different designs as if in a game. Purchase your Axonometry small cube trays right here on! Designed by Elisa Giovannoni for Ghidini 1961.

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Dimensions: Length 15 cm, Depth 20 cm, Height 2.5 cm
Materials: Brass

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