Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...
Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...
Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...
Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...
Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...
Ex.t  Plateau Round Basin complete...

Ex.t Plateau Round Basin complete with a column

Available in 4/5 weeks
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The Plateau Round basin, complete with a column, is a bathroom furnishing product made by Ex.t in LivingTec®, a specially developed composite material that meets the highest standards of quality, technology, and environmental sustainability. This washbasin features a minimalist design that seamlessly integrates into any setting, whether placed in a bathroom with modern, traditional, or contemporary style, the Plateau Round captures attention and stimulates conversation, blending style, innovation, and functionality that characterizes the entire collection. Its soft and gentle silhouette perfectly fits atop a column that adds an extra touch of class. Bring this design jewel into your bathroom. Purchase your Plateau Round basin complete with column right here, on Newpop.it. Designed by Sebastian Herkner for Ex.t.

  • White
  • NCS S 2010 Y50R - Light Pink
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Dimensions: Diameter 40 cm, Height 14 cm
Materials: LivingTec®

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