Ex.t Plateau Round Countertop Basin...
Ex.t Plateau Round Countertop Basin...

Ex.t Plateau Round Countertop Basin with a left shelf

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The Plateau Round countertop basin with a left shelf is a bathroom furnishing product crafted by Ex.t in LivingTec®, a composite material specifically engineered to meet the highest standards of quality, technology, and environmental friendliness. This basin is available in two stunning colors and features a minimalist design that seamlessly blends into any setting: whether placed in a bathroom styled as modern, traditional, or contemporary, the Plateau Round captures looks and provokes conversations by combining style, innovation, and functionality that distinguishes the entire collection. The integrated shelf on the left provides an ideal space-saving solution for organizing essential bathroom products such as cosmetics and towels, keeping the space neat and clean. Bring this design jewel into your bathroom. You, too, can purchase the Plateau Round countertop basin with a left shelf right here on Newpop.it. Designed by Sebastian Herkner for Ex.t.

  • White
  • NCS S 2010 Y50R - Light Pink

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Dimensions: Width 52 cm, Depth 40 cm, Height 14 cm
Materials: LivingTec®

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